The Trouble With Ben

by Barry Louis Polisar
illustrated by David Clark
$14.95, 32 p. color illustrated.
ISBN# 0-938663-13-5
“The difficulty of being different is given humorous treatment in this picture book by a respected childrens’s writer. Polisar’s rhythmically paced text is complemented by Davids Clark’s wildly exaggerated, energetic drawings.”
–Booklist, The American Library Association
“A wonderful way to teach children tolerance in an increasingly intolerant world.”
– The Lincoln Journal Standard, Lincoln, Nebraska
“Tackles the topic of accepting diversity and multi-culturalism in a way that children and their parents are likely to appreciate.”
– The Wilson Library Bulletin
Ben gets in trouble because he is different from everyone else but the problem is–Ben is a bear. It’s just that no one notices because they are too busy trying to get him to be like everyone else.
And what does he get in trouble for? Well, for things that any bear would do–like falling asleep at his desk during the cold winter months when he should be hibernating. Ben tries to conform – but the results are disastrous until he realizes that he must be true to himself. And then a funny thing happens; his classmates start trying to be like him….a wonderful story that illustrates the need to see children for who they are and a perfect book for teaching about individuality.
Listen to Barry Read This Story