

Barry’s song was used in the opening credits of this hit movie. Watch the full credit sequence here.

10 Years

10 Years, is another film that features one of Barry’s songs. You Can’t Say ‘Psbpsbpsb’ on the Radio plays on the car CD player as actor Oscar Isaac sings along and the character–played by Chris Pratt–begs his wife to turn it off.

The Tree of Life

A short film for the Ronald McDonald House Charities is currently airing on TV in Australia and New Zealand. This PSA features a cover version of Barry’s song All I Want is You

Volkswagen Commercial

Volkswagen featured Barry’s song Me and You in their ad campaign broadcasting in the Fall of 2013. It’s got dogs and is a real winner! Watch it here!

Super Bowl Ad

A new TV ad directed by filmmaker Taika Waititi includes a cover version of Barry’s song “All I Want is You”  performed by Caroline Says and premieres at  the Super Bowl in 2025. The ad airs throughout the 2025-2026 season for Lays.

Android Commercial

Google Android begins featuring Barry’s 1975 song I Need You Like a Donut Needs a Hole in their ad campaign broadcasting on national TV in December, 2015. 

Lays Potato Chips

Taika Waititi’s longer cut of the Super Bowl ad for Lays also begins airing in theaters and on the internet in February 2025 and features a cover version of Barry’s 1977 song “All I Want is You.

The National Lottery of France Ad

Barry’s song “All I Want is You” is used in this 2019-2020 commercial, broadcast throughout France and highlighting the true story of a couple who won the lottery by playing the bar code numbers on a milk bottle.

Xpress Car Wash

Barry’s song “Me and You” is used in this commercial for Xpress Car Wash in 2024 and 2025

DoorDash / PetSmart Commercial

Barry’s song “I’ve Got a Dog and My Dog’s Name is Cat” is featured in a National TV ad broadcast in the United States in 2021 for DoorDash and PetSmart.

Comcast Xfinity Commercial

Barry’s song “Me and
You” is featured in a
TV ad in 2021 for Xfinity broadcast throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Adobe Acrobat Commercial

Barry’s 1977 song “All I Want is You” is featured in a new commercial in 2022 & 2023 for Adobe  Acrobat. 

Bella and Duke of Scotland Ad

Barry’s song “I Wanna Be a Dog” is featured in this ad for a company in Scotland.

ANZ Bank Commercial

ANZ Bank in New Zealand begins featuring a cover version of Barry’s song Me and You in their ad on national TV in September, 2017. This cover version was recorded by Finn de Siecle .

GMC Commercial

GMC begins featuring Barry’s 1974 song Me and You in their ad campaign broadcasting on national TV beginning on Fathers’ Day 2017.

Canadian GMC Commercial

A french version of Barry’s song Me and You is used in the GMC television ad in Canada beginning in the summer of 2017.

Flora Butter Commercial

Flora Butter begins featuring Barry’s 1975 song Me and You in their ad campaign airing on national TV in Norway in August, 2016 featuring a cover version by the artist Finn De Siecle.

Health Partners of Australia Commercial

Health Partners of Australia begins featuring Barry’s song All I Want is Youin two new television ads broadcasting January, 2016. 

ANWB TV Commercial

ANWB TV commercial in The Netherlands begins featuring Barry’s song Me and You in a TV ad that began broadcasting in December, 2016. The Royal Dutch Touring Club (ANWB) is a travelers’ association in the Netherlands, supporting all modes of travel. 

Coca-Cola Commercial

Coca-Cola featured Barry’s song All I Want is You in their ad campaign that begins broadcasting world-wide in the Fall of 2013.

A Spanish Version of the Coke ad featuring Barry’s song has also been created and is airing internationally.

Cricket Wireless Commercial

The Cricket Wireless Network begins airing a TV ad in July, 2016 featuring the music from Barry’s song All I Want is You with new words.

Milli Milk Commercial

Milli Milk Products in Hungary begins airing a commercial ad on TV in Europe in the summer of 2016 with a cover version of Barry’s song All I Want is You.

Honda Commercial

Honda uses Barry’s song All I Want is You in the first US commercial since JUNO was released. This ad is broadcast throughout the United States during Prime Time and then shown throughout Canada as well.

Del Monte Commercial

Del Monte foods featured Barry’s song All I Want is You in a national TV commercial in 2012-2013. At the same time, Quaker Oats featured Barry’s song Me and You in a commercial that aired on national TV in Mexico.

Cricket Wireless Commercial

The Cricket Wireless Network begins airing a longer version of their TV ad in July, 2016 featuring the music from Barry’s song All I Want is You with new words.

Ikea Commercial

Ikea began broadcasting an ad on TV in Sweden featuring Barry singing his song All I Want is You in the Spring of 2014. 

Quaker Oats Commercial

Quaker Oats Cereal begins airing a commercial on national television in Mexico featuring Barry singing his 1975 song Me and You. The TV ad begins running in April, 2012.

Maggi Commercial

Maggi, is airing a national TV commercial on German television featuring Barry singing his song “Me and You” in the fall of 2012.

The Pink Ribbon campaign

The Pink Ribbon campaign begins television broadcasts in Holland. This Public Service Announcement about breast cancer airs throughout Amsterdam and the rest of the Netherlands in September, 2011 and features Barry’s original song All I Want is You.

Vicks Honeydrops Commercial

Vicks Honeydrops uses Barry’s song All I Want is You in a European commercial that airs in Germany and Austria in 2010. Who knew Barry’s music could help you stay in line!

RBS Commercial

RBS, the regional railway company of Bern, Switzerland, uses Barry’s song Me and You in their delightful  commercial ad in 2009.

Onco Olympics for Children PSA

Barry’s song All I Want is You is used in this short film for a 2009 Public Service Announcement on Polish Television for the Onco Olympics for Children.

Axe Deodorant Commercial

Axe Deodorant ran a series of commercial ads throughout the world beginning in 2009. This ad copied the sound and style of Barry’s song “All I Want is You” – including a harmonica solo – after his song was featured in the film Juno. Imitation is the best form of flattery, right?

Australia Commercial

Barry’s 1975 song Me and You was used in this 2008 commercial throughout Australia.

The National Lottery of the UK Commercial

Get the “skinny” on Barry’s song used in this 2008 commercial broadcast in England and throughout the United Kingdom. Money raised by the UK Lottery helps support programs in the Arts, Health, Education, the Environment, and assorted charitable causes.

Vodafone Commercial

Vodafone uses Barry’s song All I Want is You in their 2009 commercial throughout New Zealand.

Nescafe Commercials

Nescafe begins airing Barry’s song Me and You in commercials in Mexico in August, 2010.

Vodafone Czech Commercials

Vodafone uses Barry’s song All I Want is You in their 2009 commercial throughout the Czech Republic.


Barry’s music provides the background for the “UnWorry” campaign in Western Australia. A series of commericals were made in 2008 and this is one of them.

Ice Cream

Another commercial using Barry’s music for the “UnWorry” campaign in Australia.


Teva Sandals Commercial

Teva Sandals used Barry’s song Water in this fun animated spot in the summer of 2005.

School Visits

Watch a TV News clip about Barry’s school visits. The young student who narrated this short video managed to mangle Barry’s name all three times she said it, but it’s still fun to watch!

The Montgomery County Humane Society 

The Montgomery County Humane Society begins airing a Public Service Announcement with music from Barry’s song I Need You Like a Donut Needs a Hole.

WAMU Radio

Barry sings his song I Don’t Wanna Go To School in the studio of WAMU Radio in 2012 after being interviewed on the air.

Barry sings his song My Brother Threw Up on My Stuffed Toy Bunny in the studio of WAMU Radio in 2012, after being interviewed on the air.

Shy Sharity Cover

Canadian actress and singer Shy Sharity of Vancouver records a fun and spirited cover of Barry’s song All I Want is You.

The Radioactive Chicken Heads

The Radioactive Chicken Heads recorded a music video of Barry’s song I Looked Into the Mirror, What Did the Mirror Say?

Camila Cover

There are many great covers of Barry’s song All I Want is You on YouTube…but this one from a 14 year old girl named Camila is pretty amazing!

Smooth Barrage Cover

Smooth Barrage is a band from Bangcock, Thailand and fronted by Jennifer and Safir Lackgren. Here, they do a cover of Barry’s song from Juno — “All I Want is You.”

The Radioactive Chicken Heads

The Radioactive Chicken Heads strike again with this 2010 video commemorating the 35th anniversary of Barry’s 1975 song I Eat Kids. Don’t worry boys and girls, no children were eaten during the making of this video.

Craig Fisher Animation

Craig Fisher of Scotland created an animation for Barry’s song I’m a Slug in 2011.

Alison Faulds Animation

Alison Faulds lives in rural Lincolnshire, England and created this lovely animation for Barry’s song I Wanna Be Your Baby in the summer of 2009.

Prime Time Radio Podcast Interview

Watch Barry’s 2009 interview with Mike Cuthbert on this Prime Time Radio Podcast. Mike has interviewed Barry a few times on the local NPR station and now hosts this great show.

Sean Slattery and the Connections Cover

Sean Slattery and the Connections, a band from Galway, Ireland recorded Barry’s song All I Want is You in the fall of 2015 and then filmed a video of the song at Cloonacauneen Castle in December. It’s a great version with fiddle and pennywhistle and has a real Cajun Zydeco vibe. Watch it here

Radioactive Chicken Heads’ 20th Anniversary concert

Barry was a special guest performer at the Radioactive Chicken Heads’ 20th Anniversary concert in the City of Orange, California in 2014, performing with the band when they took the stage at midnight.

Alison Faulds of Lincolnshire’s Animation

Alison Faulds of Lincolnshire, England created an animation for Barry’s song Barnyard Stomp in 2010.

Zed Marty and the visual artists at ARTeria Animation

Zed Marty and the visual artists at ARTeria in Austria, created this great animation for Barry’s song All I Want is You in the Fall of 2010.

Barry’s 2008 Summer Concert in Columbia

Barry’s 2008 Summer Concert in Columbia, Maryland spotlighted his music in Juno, so Barry had to print out the lyrics for All I Want is You, buy a harmonica, and sing his song for the first time in years.

Read Across America Day, 2008

Barry visited West Friendship Elementary School in 2008 for Read Across America Day. He read his poems, told stories, talked about his books….and sang a little, too!

Field Trip Clip

Barry sings I Wanna Be a Dog in this clip from his TV Show Field Trip which filmed from 1994-1998.

Watch more clips here.

Interview with David Clark

Barry interviews illustrator David Clark from the American Library Association video Barry’s Scrapbook, 1994

In The Library

Barry sings his song In The Library from the American Library Association video Barry’s Scrapbook, 1994

Barry sings his song I’m a Three-Toed, Triple-Eyed, Double-Jointed Dinosaur from the American Library Association video Barry’s Scrapbook, 1994

Barry Sings The Bumblebee Song from the American Library Association video Barry’s Scrapbook, 1994

When the House is Dark and Quiet

Filmed in 1988 at Connor Prairie, outside Indianapolis, Indiana, Barry sings his song When the House is Dark and Quiet.This song is often taught at schools and summer camps as “The Baby-Sitter Song.”

Don’t Put Your Finger Up Your Nose

At that same concert in 1988, Barry sings his song Don’t Put Your Finger Up Your Nose. Before Barry’s song All I Want is You was popularized in the filmJuno, this may have been Barry’s most well-known song.

My Mother Ran Away Today

A few years later, at a park outside Indianapolis, Indiana in 1988, Barry sings his mother’s new favorite song, My Mother Ran Away Today.

My Brother Threw Up on My Stuffed Toy Bunny

Filmed in 1988 at Connor Prairie in Indiana, Barry sings his song My Brother Threw Up on My Stuffed Toy Bunny.

Capital Edition

Filmed in December, 1985, Barry was featured on the TV show Capital Edition.

News Clip

Watch a TV News clip from 1985 in Liverpool, New York.

I Lost My Pants

Filmed in a Virginia TV studio in 1984, Barry sings his song I Lost My Pants. This song would later inspire another Polisar song favorite–Underwear.

Our Dog Bernard

Filmed in 1984 in Virginia, Barry sings the original politically incorrect version of his 1977 song Our Dog Bernard.

I Sneaked Into the Kitchen in the Middle of the Night

Filmed at the same concert in 1984, Barry sings his mother’s favorite song: I Sneaked Into the Kitchen in the Middle of the Night.

The Enchanted Forest

Filmed in 1976 at The Enchanted Forest outside Baltimore, Barry sang a few songs for a small group of kids. Here’s a short clip of one of those songs.


Another early TV appearance was on Panorama in 1975, hosted by Maury Povich. Barry was invited to talk about his alternative approach to the music industry on a show with Bernie Taupin, lyric writer for Elton John.

Bozo The Clown’s Wide World of Wonder

This rare 1975 clip captures Barry’s first TV appearance. Barry is featured on Bozo The Clown’s Wide World of Wonder. Barry’s little sister was watching TV with her friends when he came on singing. They all got very excited and said, “Emily, isn’t that your brother on TV?” She said, “No.”