Dinosaurs I Have Known

by Barry Louis Polisar
illustrated by Michael G. Stewart
$7.95, 32 p. paperback illustrated.
ISBN# 0-938663-00-3
“It’s pun-and games, quick-witted and off-the-wall.”
– The Florida Times Union, Jacksonville, Florida
“Dinosaurs I Have Known should amuse anyone.”
– Winston Salem Journal, Winston Salem, North Carolina
“A whimsical book…sophisticated and subtle humor.”
– The Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids, Michigan
No paleontologist worth his pickax will want to miss out on this one. The New York Timesreported, “It’s dinosaurs’ best time in 70 million years.” Some wonderfully witty and outrageous dinosaurs are included from the Rockadopolis Rex (“The King” pictured in an Elvis Presley stance and holding a rock-a-billy guitar) and the Brontesaurus Sisters (Emily, Charlotte and Anne) to the Orthodontosaurus (a very rich reptilian known for its perfect bite and large bill); all are humorously described in Barry’s early book accompanied by beautifully illustrated black and white line drawings by Michael G. Stewart.
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