Curious Creatures

by Barry Louis Polisar
illustrated by David Clark
$14.95, 32 p. color illustrated.
ISBN# 9780938663522
“A menagerie of mostly unsung animals should please young poetry lovers. Animal lovers will welcome the irreverent but informative verse.”
– Publishers Weekly
“Catalogs a random spectrum of creatures and the exaggerated cartoon illustrations in bright colors accentuate each poem’s action with humor.”
– School Library Journal
This new collaboration between Barry Louis Polisar and illustrator David Clark is a long awaited sequel to Barry’s earlier collections of poems, Peculiar Zoo and Insect Soup.
From the echidna with its two-foot-long tongue and the flying paradise snake of Borneo, to common earthworms and houseflies, this collection even includes, the most curious of all creatures, man.
Listen to Barry Read These Poems